4/28/2022 12:24:50 PM Corporations and the IPCC (Part 2): Making the Future Possible By Aaron Wu Will Wilson “Pour ce qui est de l’avenir, il ne s’agit pas de le prevoir, mais de le render possible” — Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Citadelle (1948) ...
4/27/2022 10:29:36 AM Corporations and the IPCC (Part 1): “Now or Never” By Aaron Wu Will Wilson In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) published a Special Report on the urgency and scale of policy changes...
4/22/2022 3:46:52 PM A science-based net-zero target for financial institutions By Selmin Hakki A growing number of financial institutions have committed to, and set, net-zero targets. At COP26, the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net...
4/21/2022 8:38:38 AM US Climate-Related Disclosure: Why should UK corporates care? By David Hay Regular readers will no doubt be familiar with the range of current and proposed disclosure and reporting standards applicable to UK...
4/14/2022 2:18:45 PM It's not TP bein' green By Slaughter and May As Kermit (and others, more recently) famously sung, "It's not easy bein' green; it seems you blend in with so many other ordinary...
4/12/2022 1:11:37 PM “A significant turning point for the future of corporate climate change reporting” as US Securities and Exchange Commission announces new rules By Alice Steele On Monday 21 March 2022, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a statement[1] that it had passed a 3-1 vote in favour of...
4/6/2022 4:15:41 PM The ISSB sets out much anticipated international climate and sustainability reporting standards for consultation By Dean Hickey The International Sustainability Standards Board (“ISSB”) last week released two draft sustainability standards for comment, which it is...
4/5/2022 12:43:04 PM Floating offshore wind: buoyant times ahead By Azadeh Nassiri Kathryn Emmett Jess O'Sullivan Floating offshore wind is predicted to play a critical role in long-term global decarbonisation efforts in the next decade. Globally,...
4/1/2022 1:50:13 PM Ethnicity pay reporting – voluntary, not mandatory, reporting is the government’s decision By Julie Stanbrook After a long delay, the government has announced it will not impose a new ethnicity pay reporting requirement on businesses at this...