5/27/2022 12:12:14 PM Proposed changes to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 - modern slavery reporting requirements to be given teeth? By Dean Hickey Andy Goodworth Modern slavery[1] is a significant and growing problem. The number of live modern slavery police investigations in the UK has increased...
5/25/2022 7:58:20 AM What do the Bank of England stress test results tell us? By Selmin Hakki Earlier today the Bank of England published the results of its exploratory climate scenario exercise or ‘CBES’. It asked the largest UK...
5/16/2022 10:56:14 AM Climate experts alarmed by boom in digitising carbon offsets By Eleanor Higginson Environmental experts have sounded the alarm over a new boom in digitising carbon offsets. Carbon offsets are generated from reductions...
5/10/2022 11:22:06 AM Covert regulation or a Climate Compatibility Checkpoint controversy in the making? By Jeff Twentyman The Secretary of State Kwasi Karteng has written an open letter to the oil and gas sector offering the government’s continuing support...
5/10/2022 9:28:09 AM IIGCC launches Net Zero Stewardship toolkit: Swifter, bolder engagement – companies should expect increasing and more robust engagement By Alfred King In recent years, asset owners and asset managers responsible for trillions in assets have made commitments to align their portfolios to...
5/9/2022 10:21:05 AM Set adrift or in full sail? Corporate purpose and “ESG risks” By Dean Hickey According to a new briefing from the Financial Reporting Council (“FRC”), corporate purpose can serve as a company's “moral anchor”. This...